Your Support

Mr.Lakshman matches any and all donations to the BTL Foundation. Your donation can go twice as far to helping reach the needy. The BTL Foundation operates on virtually no overhead, so your entire  donation will go DIRECTLY to those most in need.

All contributions to the Trust are tax deductible under IRS regulations.

Please make checks payable to BTL Foundation for International Services.

Your contributions of $25 or more will be gratefully accepted and acknowledged.

If you are interested in exploring the feasibility of starting a school, college, ITC, health clinic or other rural welfare project of your own, please contact us.

Volunteer Service

We would like to thank all our Volunteers for their invaluable dedication to the services of our Foundation.

Volunteer services are needed in the following activities:
  - Serve meals to people in need during Thanksgiving, Xmas and New Years’ Day.
  - Collect Children’s Books for the benefit of underprivileged children.
  - Adopt-A-Highway cleaning program.
  - Help during Fundraising activities of the Foundation.

For information or questions, please contact us at or call us at (302) 740–2608 / (302) 635-0826

We are glad you wish to register as a Volunteer. Please provide the following information:

* indicates required
Anything else you wish to add